Happy 18th Birthday Eva!

Dear Eva,

For your 18th Birthday, I decided to get you what every 18 year old dreams of...their very own webpage...named after themselves!

Now, I truly cannot imagine all of the things you can, and will, do with this website in the future. You can earn money. You can write stories. You can store data. You can build a multi-billion dollar empire. However, what I have started for you here won't do any of that without a little work.

To learn more, turn the page

Cool Stuff

Wasn't that cool? Just like a book. You can go back and turn the page again if you want.

So I guess what I said before isn't entirely true. You can actually write stories with this...with chapters even.

To do that, though, I'll have teach you a few tricks, which I understand might be a bit difficult for you, given that it will require me to teach you something. But I think in the end it will be rewarding for us both.

If you are interested in learning more, turn the page once more.

Continued Learning

I love that. It's so neat just watching the page turn back and forth. You can change all sorts of other things as well. Like colors, fonts, formats, etc.

If you get to feeling really industrious, you can set up any thing you want with this domain, which now belongs to you...forever. Don't be fooled though. This is nothing to be trifled with. As soon as you change something here, anybody on the planet can see it. In fact, people in Zimbabwe and Madagascar might even be reading this right now and wondering what in the heck is going on on the world wide web today!

There are also tricks you can do to prevent people from seeing what you don't want them to see. I can teach you that as well.

At any rate, Happy Birthday! I love you and look forward to many more opportunities to introduce you to the internet.

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